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This is your core "self-governing" team, and your first examples of self-governance.


Who takes notes at each meeting? What happens if the treasurer moves away? Who represents your community to the media? How do you handle conflicts or disagreements? What happens if one member of the team lets their ego take over?


Remember to start simple; you just need more than one person to be successful, and to get organized enough to launch and sustain your self-organization.


In our experience, choose two to three team members of equal personality distribution, with a regular “release cadence” to ensure steady progression, and so on (elaboration provided in the articles referenced, below).


Additionally: think back to your vision. Are all members of this team able to articulate the vision for the community in a similar manner? Has the team rooted their vision in their justified sense of outrage?


This is your first test for how well you will be able to persuade members of your community. Don’t skimp on this step.


Q: how do you know you're ready to move to the next step?


Your team is ready to move to the next step (FUNDING) when your team has

  • at least three members

  • a rudimentary governance model, particularly regarding the stewardship of community resources

  • a regular release cadence (eg: sprints)

  • a executive decision-making process

  • a conflict resolution process

  • a post-sprint (release) retrospective assessment process


Related and more in-depth articles:



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